Optimise customer experience on mobile ecommerce sites

Customer experience on your mobile site or app cannot be ignored. Studies suggest that mobile is driving an average of 10% of visits to ecommerce sites, but conversion rates on mobile are generally much lower. By including the customer in the development process you can enhance the experience and increase conversion.
Here are a few tips based on our experience of user testing mobile ecommerce sites:

Meet expectations

Don’t disappoint visitors by removing key functionality or services they have experienced on your main site, e.g. reducing the delivery or reservation options. You may have to rethink the design to achieve this, but rethink rather than reduce.

Context of use

Many users have told us that they use their smart phones to check prices when out shopping or to look at reviews of a product. By understanding customers’ behaviours you can support them, e.g. barcode scanners for quick product price comparisons. Ask yourself what you can provide visitors in the different situations mobile opens doors to.

Data entry

“I’d give up now and go on the computer” is what we hear from users faced with too many input fields. Look for ways to reduce the hassle of data entry whenever possible, e.g. the facility to store details to make it easier next time, and providing options with check boxes wherever possible.

Data allowance

“Going back through so many pages is OK on WiFi, but what if I was using my data allowance?” Don’t frustrate customers with unnecessary page loads. Think about interactions that will be most economical.


We find users tend to worry more about security when transacting on mobile sites. Provide appropriate reassurance and link to more information.

One account

A customer’s trolley and address details should be saved no matter which device they login on. Customers might add products to the trolley on a mobile but complete the transaction on a PC.

User test

Do it early and iterate. Paper prototypes, wireframes, interactive prototypes and live sites can all be tested. You’ll learn lots about your customers’ behaviour, how to improve their experience and increase conversion.

Want to know more?

If you’d like to know more about testing on mobile and tablets then why not get in touch with us – drop us an email (more@bunnyfoot.com), a tweet (@bunnyfootsays), whatever suits you.